Friday 16 November 2007

According to my rough reckoning that's the number of miles we've flown on this Sabbatical.

Well, I'm back home again after a flight from Skopje to Budapest to London to Belfast. In fact I had been in so many places and airports that when I landed in London I was tired and hungry and looking for somewhere to eat. But building work was going on and I couldn't find "Gatwick Village", where all the shops and restaurants were. There was one restaurant nearby but it looked to pricey for me. However it had an attractive young woman standing outside, presumably in an attempt to drum up a bit of business! So I asked her for directions to Gatwick Village. "I'm sorry I don't know" she said in a strange accent. (Stranger than Belfast!) "Where are you from I asked her." "Poland", she says. And I thought to myself, "That's typical, you employ people from Poland as cheap labour and they don't even know anything about the place. "So you're working here and you don't know where Gatwick Village is?" I asked her. No she said, "I've never heard of it." You've never heard of it, and you work here!" "Yes", she said, "this is Heathrow!" I was so brain dead and confused that I didn't even know what airport I was in!

However as I say, I'm back and the Report Back is in church this Sunday night 18th. I'm putting the PowerPoint together at the moment. You're welcome to come along. 7.00pm. If you need directions go to and you'll find them.

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