Tuesday 31 July 2007

This place is a great place to start to the Sabbatical. Long drive down through beautiful countryside to a little island in Connemara. This is the cottage generously loaned to us by friends.
This is the view from the front door. Glorious weather and we are planning a week of walking, reading and crashing out!

Saturday 28 July 2007

So this is the start of the Sabbatical. We leave on Monday morning for a cottage which friends have loaned us on Omey Island not far from the 12 pins of Connemara. You can drive on and off the island at low tide. It's only about a mile and a half by a mile wide. I'll send you more when we arrive

Thursday 26 July 2007

Welcome! This is the blog of our Sabbatical journeying.
Over the next three months we plan to be staying in Connemara, India, USA, Canada, Albania and Macedonia. We may be in some places that do not have internet access so please be patient if there are delays in updating this. Our Sabbatical runs from August to early November.
Thanks for your interest and if you pray for us, thank you for your prayers.